Posts tagged RemovePreviousVersions
RemovePreviousVersions not working
012 years ago
In visual studio 2010 while creating setup package when you select RemovePreviousVersions = true
even then the old application installed is not removed in order to fix that
save the below vbs code in project directory
Dim objInstaller Dim objDatabase Dim objView Dim objResult Dim strPathMsi If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 1 Then WScript.Echo "Usage: cscript fixRemovePreviousVersions.vbs " WScript.Quit -1 End If strPathMsi = WScript.Arguments(0) Set objInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer") Set objDatabase = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(strPathMsi, 1) Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("UPDATE InstallExecuteSequence SET Sequence=1450 WHERE Action='RemoveExistingProducts'") WScript.Echo "Patching install sequence: UPDATE InstallExecuteSequence SET Sequence=1450 WHERE Action='RemoveExistingProducts'" objView.Execute objDatabase.Commit WScript.Quit 0
save the file with name fixRemovePreviousVersions.vbs
now in vs 2010 set PostBuildEvent to cscript “$(ProjectDir)fixRemovePreviousVersions.vbs $(BuiltOuputPath)”
PostBuildEvent can be found in setup project properties
Now build you msi and it will patch the msi and now the previous installed version will be removed.
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