Check String for Unicode Characters ( IsUnicode() )
1in .Net All Strings are Unicode
we also know that ASCII Characters range is up-to 255 any thing above 255 will be Unicode so what we will do is we will just check each character value if it is above 255 then there is Unicode Characters
here is function which does that
Public Shared Function IsUnicode(ByVal s As String) As Boolean
Dim items As Char() = s.ToCharArray()
For i As Integer = 0 To items.Length – 1If CUShort(AscW(items(i))) > 255 Then
Return True
End IfNext
Return False
End Function
use it like
if IsUnicode(“لعربي“) then
‘ is unicode
‘not unicode
end if
Remove Diacritics from Arabic text ( Quran )
1Remove this function to remove Diacritics from Arabic text
Private Shared Function RemoveDiacritics(ByVal stIn As String) As String
Dim stFormD As String = stIn.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormD)
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()For ich As Integer = 0 To stFormD.Length – 1
Dim uc As UnicodeCategory = CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(stFormD(ich))
If uc <> UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark Then
End If
NextReturn (sb.ToString().Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC))
End Function
this code was convert to vb.net from c#
C# version code was taken from here : http://blogs.msdn.com/michkap/archive/2007/05/14/2629747.aspx
Text : الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
converted to : الحمد لله رب العالمين
How to set value for a Password field in ASP.NET 2.0
1Recently i struggled a lot to set the value for the password field in my asp.net 2.0 application. In my application i generate the control dynamically based on data type of that field like checkbox for bit data type, textbox for string data type etc., But to my surprise we can’t set the text property of a Password Type field for security reasons. so i tried different ways to set the password field using javascript and hidden field. The problem in that approach is the user can go into view source and see it as clear text. After spending so many hours i came to find this solution which is very simple and elegant solution. we have to set the value as an attribute of the text box. The typical format for the same is.
txtPassword.Attributes.Add(“value”, PasswordValue)
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