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Posts by suhailkaleem
jquery .click does not work
0If you are adding a html dynamically and then binding the .click event of an element then this will not work
the .click event will never bind
in order to make the events works for the dynamic html or elements use .live like below
$('#ElementID').live('click', function (event) { if (event.button != 0) { // left button - ignore it return true; } else { //right button var id = $(this).attr('id'); // do something return false; // "capture" the click } });
Also you might have noticed that i have a check to see which button was clicked , because in .live method left and right mouse buttons both bind to click event unlike the .click event only right button is bind so we have to check in .live which button was clicked
Function to format dateTime to RSS 2 pubDate
0The following function will format the date-time to pubDate format for rss 2
Private Function BuildPubDate(ByVal d As Date) As String Try Dim RV As String Dim day As String = d.Day.ToString If day.Length = 1 Then day = "0" & day Dim month As String = d.Month.ToString Select Case month Case "1" month = "January" Case "2" month = "February" Case "3" month = "March" Case "4" month = "April" Case "5" month = "May" Case "6" month = "June" Case "7" month = "July" Case "8" month = "August" Case "9" month = "September" Case "10" month = "October" Case "11" month = "November" Case "12" month = "December" End Select Dim Mtime As String = "" Dim mDate As Date = d.ToUniversalTime If mDate.Hour.ToString.Length = 1 Then Mtime = "0" & mDate.Hour.ToString Else Mtime = mDate.Hour.ToString End If Mtime += ":" If mDate.Minute.ToString.Length = 1 Then Mtime += "0" & mDate.Minute.ToString Else Mtime += mDate.Minute.ToString End If Mtime += ":" If mDate.Second.ToString.Length = 1 Then Mtime += "0" & mDate.Second.ToString Else Mtime += mDate.Second.ToString End If RV = d.DayOfWeek.ToString.Substring(0, 3) RV += ", " & day & " " & month.Substring(0, 3) RV += " " & d.Year.ToString & " " & Mtime & " GMT" Return RV Catch ex As Exception Return "" End Try
Form covers taskbar when maximized
0if you are using a title less / border less form or FormBorderStyle.None then your form when maximized will cover the task bar
if you want the title less form to just expand to working area of the screen and exclude the task bar then you need to set the maximum size of the form like
Me.MaximumSize = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Size
also this will work for primary screen will not work in dual screen setup
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