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Posts by suhailkaleem
Rebuild Indexes of all tables in a single MS SQL database
0- Rebuilds indexes on smallest tables first, allowing the maximum number of indexes to be rebuilt in the shortest amount of time.
- Real time progress updates, allowing you to estimate how much time is remaining before completion.
- Correctly handles multiple schemas, a common flaw in other scripts.
SET NOCOUNT ON GO --Set the fillfactor DECLARE @FillFactor TINYINT SELECT @FillFactor=80 DECLARE @StartTime DATETIME SELECT @StartTime=GETDATE() if object_id('tempdb..#TablesToRebuildIndex') is not null begin drop table #TablesToRebuildIndex end DECLARE @NumTables VARCHAR(20) SELECT s.[Name] AS SchemaName, t.[name] AS TableName, SUM(p.rows) AS RowsInTable INTO #TablesToRebuildIndex FROM sys.schemas s LEFT JOIN sys.tables t ON s.schema_id = t.schema_id LEFT JOIN sys.partitions p ON t.object_id = p.object_id LEFT JOIN sys.allocation_units a ON p.partition_id = a.container_id WHERE p.index_id IN ( 0, 1 ) -- 0 heap table , 1 table with clustered index AND p.rows IS NOT NULL AND a.type = 1 -- row-data only , not LOB GROUP BY s.[Name], t.[name] SELECT @NumTables=@@ROWCOUNT DECLARE RebuildIndex CURSOR FOR SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ttus.RowsInTable), ttus.SchemaName, ttus.TableName, ttus.RowsInTable FROM #TablesToRebuildIndex AS ttus ORDER BY ttus.RowsInTable OPEN RebuildIndex DECLARE @TableNumber VARCHAR(20) DECLARE @SchemaName NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @tableName NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @RowsInTable VARCHAR(20) DECLARE @Statement NVARCHAR(300) DECLARE @Status NVARCHAR(300) FETCH NEXT FROM RebuildIndex INTO @TableNumber, @SchemaName, @tablename, @RowsInTable WHILE ( @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 ) BEGIN SET @Status='Table '+@TableNumber+' of '+@NumTables+': Rebuilding indexes on '+@SchemaName+'.'+@tablename + ' ('+@RowsInTable+' rows)' RAISERROR (@Status, 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT --RAISERROR used to immediately output status SET @Statement = 'ALTER INDEX ALL ON ['+@SchemaName+'].['+@tablename +'] REBUILD WITH (FILLFACTOR = '+CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), @FillFactor)+' )' EXEC sp_executesql @Statement FETCH NEXT FROM RebuildIndex INTO @TableNumber, @SchemaName, @tablename, @RowsInTable END CLOSE RebuildIndex DEALLOCATE RebuildIndex drop table #TablesToRebuildIndex Print 'Total Elapsed Time: '+CONVERT(VARCHAR(100), DATEDIFF(minute, @StartTime, GETDATE()))+' minutes' GO
Equivalent of ID IN in LINQ
1The IN query will get results within the given range
select * from tablename where id in(12,34,56)
Equivalent LINQ TO SQL (VB.NET)
From c In db.tablename Where (New Integer() {12,34,56}).Contains(
Equivalent LINQ TO SQL (C#)
from c in db.tablenamewhere (new int[] {
mysql host is blocked because of many connection errors
“host is blocked because of many connection errors unblock with ‘mysqladmin flush-hosts’”
to fix this increase ‘max_connect_errors’ which is 10 by default.
If you can afford to restart the MySQL server, enter below to your my.cnf and restart the MySQL service.
max_connect_errors = 1000
If you can’t afford to restart the MySQL server, follow below steps.
In MySQL pormpt,
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