suhail kaleem
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RemovePreviousVersions not working
0In visual studio 2010 while creating setup package when you select RemovePreviousVersions = true
even then the old application installed is not removed in order to fix that
save the below vbs code in project directory
Dim objInstaller Dim objDatabase Dim objView Dim objResult Dim strPathMsi If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 1 Then WScript.Echo "Usage: cscript fixRemovePreviousVersions.vbs " WScript.Quit -1 End If strPathMsi = WScript.Arguments(0) Set objInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer") Set objDatabase = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(strPathMsi, 1) Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("UPDATE InstallExecuteSequence SET Sequence=1450 WHERE Action='RemoveExistingProducts'") WScript.Echo "Patching install sequence: UPDATE InstallExecuteSequence SET Sequence=1450 WHERE Action='RemoveExistingProducts'" objView.Execute objDatabase.Commit WScript.Quit 0
save the file with name fixRemovePreviousVersions.vbs
now in vs 2010 set PostBuildEvent to cscript “$(ProjectDir)fixRemovePreviousVersions.vbs $(BuiltOuputPath)”
PostBuildEvent can be found in setup project properties
Now build you msi and it will patch the msi and now the previous installed version will be removed.

Get months list between two dates
0Following function will get a list of months with days remaining in those months when start date and end dates are provided
Shared Function GetMonthsList(StartDate As Date, EndDate As Date) As ArrayList Try Dim dt As Date = StartDate Dim edt As Date = EndDate Dim ar As New ArrayList Dim str As New StringBuilder While dt < edt str.Append(dt.Date.ToString("MMMM yyyy")) str.Append(",") Dim dt2 As Date = dt.AddMonths(1) If dt2 > edt Then Dim minusdays As Integer = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, dt, edt) str.Append(minusdays + 1) ar.Add(str.ToString) Exit While End If Dim remainingdays As Integer = System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(dt.Year, dt.Month) - dt.Day str.Append(remainingdays + 1) ar.Add(str.ToString) dt = dt.AddDays(remainingdays + 1) str.Clear() End While Return ar Catch ex As Exception Throw ex End Try End Function
Use can use this functions as
this will output
January 2012,28
February 2012,29
March 2012,31
April 2012,30

extract date from datetime and then compare with date field
0MSSQL 2005 does not have DATE datatype only datetime and smalldatetime
datetime will return date and time
where as ms sql 2008 have DATE datatype which makes it easy to extract date
mysql also have DATE datatype
for mssql 2005
following is the code to extract just the date part from datetime field
i will be using getdate function to get current date time you can replace getdate() with datetime field name
Cast(Floor(Cast(GetDate() As Float)) As DateTime)
this will extract date from datetime field
and this how you compare
select * from YourTable where
Cast(Floor(Cast(GetDate() As Float)) As DateTime) > YourDateTImeField
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