Fireworks users on Windows computers can type special characters—like the trademark symbol (™), registered trademark symbol (®) and the copyright symbol (©)—by using the operating system’s Character Map utility. Note: This TechNote describes the process used for generating unusual characters on a Windows operating system. Macintosh users should consult Adding special characters in Fireworks on a Macintosh (TechNote 18642).

How to access the Character Map
The Character Map is a useful utility in Windows that allows you to easily find the symbols that you need. This also allows you to see all of the characters in any particular font, copy individual characters or combination’s, and see the keyboard shortcut available for every character.

You can access the Character Map by using either of these two methods:

> Access it from Windows Accessories

1 Click the Start button.
2 Choose Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map.
> Access it from the Windows Run command

1 Click the Start button. Select Run.
2 In the Run line, type “charmap.exe”. The Character Map window opens. type charmap.exe in the Run line

When the Character Map first launches, you will see a screen like this:

Character map

How does the Character Map work?
The layout is easy to use with the Font selector menu at the top and the characters contained within that font below. The “Characters to Copy” field is where the characters you double-click on will be shown. On the right is the Select character button and Copy characters button.

To use a character from the Character Map, follow these instructions:

1 Change the Font menu to the font which you want to use.
2 Choose the character that you want to use by clicking once on it. The selected character is magnified.
character selected in Character Map
3 Double-click on the character, or click on the Select button to place it in the “Characters to Copy” field. Once it is there, you can add additional characters, or just choose Copy to copy it to the clipboard.
4 Once the character is copied to the clipboard, switch to Fireworks and choose Paste from the Edit menu to insert the character.

For many characters, the Character Map will display a keystroke combination in the lower right hand corner of the dialog box.


To use the keystroke combination in Fireworks, follow these steps:

1 With Fireworks launched, make sure the numeric keypad on your keyboard is active (Num Lock must be enabled).
2 Choose the character you want in Character Map and notice its keystroke combination. Some typical ones are listed below:
Alt+0169 copyright symbol

Note: The numbers are the ASCII codes representing these special characters.

3 In Fireworks, click on the canvas with the Text tool to generate a text box.
4 With the Alt key depressed, type the numbers specified by the keystroke using the numeric keypad. When you release the Alt key, the character will appear.