Recently i was having a problem to stream a mp3 file to flash player(jwplayer)  but mp3 file do not have any keyframes so the user cannot seek to specific position from the player
so i converted the mp3 file to flv using ffmpeg tool and then used the flvtool2 to add keyframe to flv file  flvtool2 only adds key frames to flv files which have video stream in it  does not add keyframes to audio stream

now there are two solutions

a – Add a video track  to flv file and then process with flvtool2  it will add keyframes
b – Patch flvtool2 to support audio only keyframes

we will talk here about option # b

  1. Install ruby from here : – get oneclick installer

  2. now download ruby source , use svn tool like [ ]

  3. browse to flvtool2 source directory and then to trunk folder and double click on setup.rb

  4. next apply the patch to files use the svn client to apply the patch / diff

    Index: trunk/lib/flv/stream.rb
    — trunk/lib/flv/stream.rb    (revision 67)
    +++ trunk/lib/flv/stream.rb    (working copy)
    @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
    +                  :audio_keyframe_mode,

    def initialize(in_stream, out_stream = nil, stream_log = false)
    @@ -69,6 +70,7 @@
    @extra_data = ”
    @tags = []
    +      @audio_keyframe_mode = false

    @@ -203,9 +205,20 @@

    def keyframe_video_tags
    +      @keyframe_video_tags_cache ||= keyframe_audio_tags if @audio_keyframe_mode
    @keyframe_video_tags_cache ||= @tags.find_all do |tag|
    tag.kind_of?(FLVVideoTag) && tag.frame_type == FLVVideoTag::KEYFRAME
    +       end
    + def keyframe_audio_tags
    +        result = nil
    +        if !has_video? && has_audio?
    +           result = []
    +           src = audio_tags
    +           # Get each 28 audio tag (~0.5 sec)
    +           (0 .. src.size – 1).step(28) {|i| result << src[i] }
    +       end
    +      result

    def audio_tags
    @@ -286,7 +299,8 @@

    def lastkeyframetimestamp
    –      return nil unless has_video?
    +      return nil if keyframe_video_tags.nil?
    +      #return nil unless has_video?
    (keyframe_video_tags.last.nil? || keyframe_video_tags.last.timestamp.nil?) ? 0 : keyframe_video_tags.last.timestamp / 1000.0

    Index: trunk/lib/flvtool2.rb
    — trunk/lib/flvtool2.rb    (revision 67)
    +++ trunk/lib/flvtool2.rb    (working copy)
    @@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
    module FLVTool2

    SHELL_COMMAND_NAME = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/) ? ‘flvtool2.exe’ : ‘flvtool2’
    –  SWITCHES = %w{ s v r p x c i o k t n l a }
    +  SWITCHES = %w{ s v r p x c i o k t n l a y }
    +  #SWITCHES = %w{ s v r p x c i o k t n l a }
    COMMANDS = %w{ U C P D A V }

    def self.parse_arguments
    @@ -50,6 +51,7 @@
    options[:in_point] = nil
    options[:out_point] = nil
    options[:keyframe_mode] = false
    +    options[:audio_keyframe_mode] = false
    options[:tag_file] = nil
    options[:tag_number] = nil
    options[:stream_log] = false
    @@ -84,6 +86,8 @@
    options[:out_point] = ARGV.shift.to_i
    when ‘k’
    options[:keyframe_mode] = true
    +          when ‘y’
    +            options[:audio_keyframe_mode] = true
    when ‘t’
    options[:tag_file] = ARGV.shift
    when ‘n’
    @@ -214,6 +218,7 @@
    puts ”  -t path       Tagfile (MetaTags written in XML)\n”
    puts ”  -v            Verbose mode\n”
    puts ”  -x            XML mode instead of YAML mode\n”
    +    puts ”  -y            Try to generate keyframes for audio only files automaticaly\n”
    puts “\n”
    puts “REPORT BUGS at”
    puts “Powered by Riva VX,\n”
    Index: trunk/lib/flvtool2/base.rb
    — trunk/lib/flvtool2/base.rb    (revision 67)
    +++ trunk/lib/flvtool2/base.rb    (working copy)
    @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@

    process_files(options) do |stream, in_path, out_path|
    +          stream.audio_keyframe_mode = options[:audio_keyframe_mode]
    write_stream = false
    options[:commands].each do |command|
    write_stream = true if send( command, options, stream, in_path, out_path )

    save the above text as flvtool2_audio.diff in trunk folder and then apply the patch , the patch may not work if the source is updated or a new version of flvtool2 is released, in this case you will have to apply the patch manually

  5. now open command prompt and type

    exerb "path\to\recipefile\flvtool2.exy"

    flvtool2.exy will be already in the trunk directory , if the above command fails it means you do not have exerb go here  [ ]

  6. Now you will have flvtool2.exe now to add keyframes to audio files  use commandflvtool2 -U -y “filepath.flv”yes -y option add key frames to audio files, key frames will be added after each 0.5 sec


Download Flvtool2 revision 67 source with patch applied : flvtool2 Revision 67
Patch file :